Exhibition vol.7
© Katsuhiro Aoki
Exploring a New Lifestyie from Omishima
July 1, 2017 (Sat) – June 15, 2018 (Fri)
Omishima is located in the middle of a chain of islands in Seto Inland Sea. With a population of approximately 6,000 people, it is the fifth largest island in the region. The warm climate makes it a perfect place to farm mandarin oranges, and people can enjoy a variety of citrus species that dapple the landscape in infinite shades of orange from winter through spring. The island is also known for its rich local history and Oyamazumi Shrine that houses Oyamazumi God, the God of Land. Hence, Omishima is also known as the “Island of Divinity”.
As the first architecture museum built in Japan, the annual exhibition at the Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture, Imabari City will be renewed this summer. The exhibition will showcase 11 ongoing projects run and developed by Ito Juku and Studio Sogabe and Yoshioka (School of Architecture, Kanagawa University) and also photographs that reflect the lifestyles of the people from Omishima taken by photographer, Yusuke Nishibe.
Local revitalization has caught on the trend in recent years, but we aim to engage in community development on the island with our own ways to find new values that cannot be measured by economic terms. In order to achieve a self-sufficient and sharing lifestyle that is in close contact with earth and values time, we have been trying to set up many small flags with our very own hands, including renovating a vacant house and transforming it into “Home-for-All” on Omishima, turning unused farmland into vineyards and recently starting a winery. We hope to explore a new lifestyle for tomorrow from Omishima by accumulating these small steps, one by one.
① みんなの家を一日一度は必ず寄ってみたい場所にします
Making “Home-for-All” on Omishima a place to gather daily
We will create a place where locals, migrants and tourists can connect through meeting new people and discovering new things, where they can feel nostalgic, relaxed, and feel like they are at home.
Exchanging memories through a swapping system
Something you hold dearly but no longer use may be seen as a valuable “item” to someone else. There is added-value that money cannot buy if one can inherit things such as miscellaneous goods, books or clothes, along with their memories of the previous owner. We will create a system to exchange memories between these “items” without using any money.
Coloring the approach to Oyamazumi Shrine with flowers and light
Together with local residents, we will decorate the front yard of “Home-for-All” on Omishima and the approach to Oyamazumi Shrine with flowers. At night, we will connect the approach with bright lanterns to create a beautiful and attractive path that people will always want to walk through, day and night.
Redesigning Omishima Community Center and Library as a place for all
The entrance hall of the Omishima Community Centre will be used as a stage to create a “Plaza-for-All,” where the people of the island can casually and freely use. This will become an important place on the island, where new encounters and stories will be born, and where the bustle of the people will continue through the approach to the shrine.
Making Sazanami-en a pleasant place where anyone can visit easily
Sazanamien, Imabari is a place that supports the lives of people with disabilities. We have renovated a meeting room to create a cafe. We are making furniture and building a garden in collaboration with the residents and local high school students. We will make a friendly place where everyone can come and socialize.
⑥ 島から発信!海・山・畑に囲まれた新たな農業ライフ
Sea, mountains and fields-a new agricultural life on Omishima
Agriculture on Omishima comes hand-in-hand with nature—the citrus fruits and vegetables produced by the farmers with special care are exceptional. On the other hand, the island also faces serious problems such as lack of successors and increasing abandoned farmland. We would like people to experience farming and to taste their own produce! Our five collaborative activities with the local farmers are initiated in hopes to convey the charm of agriculture on Omishima.
© Yusuke Nishibe
⑦ 2020年に瀬戸内初のワインで乾杯します
Making a toast with the first wine from the Seto Island Sea region by 2020
We aim to produce a wine that is entirely made in the Setouchi region by using Omishima grapes at a local brewery by 2020. We will create a natural wine that is additionally delicious through the efforts of everyone involved with Omishima Minna-no-Winery!
⑧ 島の食材、島のワインで島の誕生日を祝う「オーベルジュ」をつくります
Designing an auberge to hold birthday parties with wine from Omishima
On a south-facing slope overlooking the sea, we will create a small auberge with guest rooms where you can relax and enjoy the sea view, and a greenhouse-like restaurant where you can enjoy your meals surrounded by plants.
⑨ 海辺の小学校をロマンティックなホテルに変えます
Designing an auberge to hold birthday parties with wine from Omishima
On a south-facing slope overlooking the sea, we will create a small auberge with guest rooms where you can relax and enjoy the sea view, and a greenhouse-like restaurant where you can enjoy your meals surrounded by plants.
⑩ 島の景色をゆったりと楽しめる新しいモビリティ
Developing a new mode of transportation to enjoy the island’s beautiful sceneries
Yamaha Motor has developed “05GEN,” an electrical powered and assisted bicycle that is perfect for touring the island, and “06GEN,” an electric mobility system that looks like an engawa (a narrow wooden strip of boarded floor running along the outside of a traditional Japanese home). More slowly, more closely. Why don’t you take a trip around the island with this new mobility system that connects people to places and people to people?
© Kaako Yoshino
⑪ はじめてみよう!大三島ライフ 小さな移住計画
Life on Omishima-a small immigration plan
We have created a model case based on interviews about life in the city and on the island. If you move to the island, you will be free from long commutes on fully-packed trains and find a wealth of leisure time with nature just around the corner. What kind of lifestyle would you like to lead?
©Kaako Yoshino
© Katsuhiro Aoki
今治市、NPOこれからの建築を考える 伊東建築塾
相原世玲奈、相原幸彦、市川貞男、市川義憲、1 plus 7、井上貞子、井上正道、今治市さざなみ園、今治北高等学校大三島分校、海sora&花結び、Elena Hasbun、大内正清、大三島の自然を守る会、大三島ふるさと憩の家、大三島みんなの家、大三島みんなのワイナリー、小笠原誠喜、小沢 潤、越智清文、越智敬三、小野山隆司、オミシマコーヒー焙煎所、菅 昭十四、菅 伸六、菅 章庫、関東学院大学、菅 登喜和、菅 則子、神原俊治、神原 匠、神原良造、菅 正矢、きつねのぼたん、Kelly Jo Kikuchi、コンテンポラリーズ、Jishac、芝浦工業大学、瀬戸洋樹、瀬戸寿会、大心、田坂石油、高橋敬一、旅館茶梅、遠山正道、中村 彬、中村真未、鍋島悠弥、西岡 錦、西原昭廣、日本デザインセンター原デザイン研究所、伯方塩業、花澤家族農園、PAVILION、藤﨑俊二、ふじた歯科、藤原造船所、藤原 慎、藤原正富、藤原善和、藤原ルミ、ふれあいサロン大空、べじべじ自然農園、桝田直人、丸山鉄夫、丸山ひろ子、三島電業社、ミネルバ、山田宗草、ヤマハ発動機、レストランよし川、吉川 努、Limone、渡辺愼太郎、渡辺佳奈、渡部尚人、渡部久美子
伊東建築塾(石井 海、岡野道子、木平岳彦、小迫欣弘、近藤奈々子、ジョイス・ラム、関戸沙里、高野洋平、田中裕美子、山口絵莉一、吉村隆之)、伊東豊雄建築設計事務所、神奈川大学曽我部・吉岡研究室(曽我部昌史、吉岡寛之、丸山美紀、長谷川 明、稲村一晃、亀岡貴彦、庄子利佳、西蔵祥大、伊藤将吾、田村駿介、岩澤佑紀、太田朗人、鈴木達也、中屋有未、馬鳥夏美、諸橋克哉、安武剛志)
アドバイザー 柳澤 潤、金田充弘、藤江和子、藤森泰司、石橋亜紀、山﨑誠子、東 建男、古林豊彦
西部裕介、高橋マナミ、吉野 歩
田中英行、長良将史、TO NINE Inc.、LIFELOG Inc.
Director :
Toyo Ito
Production :
Ito Juku, Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects, Studio Sogabe and Yoshioka (School of Architecture, Kanagawa University)
Photography :
Yusuke Nishibe, Manami Takahashi, Ayumi Yoshino
Movie :
Eikoh Tanaka ,Masashi Nagara,
Music :
Taro Ishida
Graphic Design :
Tomoya Maruyama
English Translation :
Joyce Lam
Management :
Kikumi Furukawa