Exhibition vol.12
©Shuhei Miyahata
Thinking Architecture with Children
In Japan, architectural education is usually implemented only after one enters university or the architectural department of technical high schools.
However, I have always wanted children to become familiar with architecture and to think about architecture from primary school age. The reason for this is because to think about architecture is to think about family, to think about society, and to think about the environment. In other words, these are not taught at school, but they are fundamental things that must be considered when we think about how we will live in our society in the future.
Therefore, I initiated “Architecture School for Children” as one of the activities held at “Ito Juku” when I established the school in Tokyo in 2011. The school runs a course of 20 lessons per year for 20 children (40 students since 2021) aged between 9 to 12 years old, where they tackle assignments under the themes
“What is a house?” and “What is a town?” 11 years have passed since then, and the Architecture School for Children has developed steadily — some children who joined the school in the early years have become university students majoring in architecture, helping us to teach as teaching assistants now.
This exhibition is to reflect on the past activities of the Architecture School for Children to date, to promote it to a wider public while receiving feedback that will guide our future activities.
Toyo Ito
伊東豊雄 Toyo Ito
1941年生まれ。1965年東京大学工学部建築学科卒業。主な作品に「せんだいメディアテーク」「多摩美術大学図書館(八王子キャンパス)」「みんなの森 ぎふメディアコスモス」「台中国家歌劇院」など。
アストリッド・クライン Astrid Klein
クライン ダイサム アーキテクツ (KDa) 代表。共にRCAを修了したマーク・ダイサムと1991年に設立。主な作品に「代官山T-SITE/蔦屋書店」「GINZA PLACE」「星野リゾート リゾナーレ那須 POKO POKO」「toggle hotel suidobashi」など。www.klein-dytham.com
式地香織 Kaori Shikichi
太田浩史 Hiroshi Ota
柴田淑子 Yoshiko Shibata
制作|NPOこれからの建築を考える 伊東建築塾
グラフィックデザイン|丸山智也 英訳|ジョイス・ラム
Director|Toyo Ito
Production|Ito Juku
Movie / Photography|Eikoh Tanaka + Kaori Yamane
Photography|Manami Takahashi + Kai Nakamura + Kaako Yoshino
Graphic Design|Tomoya Maruyama
English Translation|Joyce Lam
Please refer to the attached file for further information.