Exhibition vol.13
©Shuhei Miyahata
Stories of the Approach-for-All on Omishima
Before the Shimanami Kaido Expressway opened, we heard from the island’s people that the approach leading to Oyamazumi Shrine—that one walks through after they get off the boat from Miyaura Port—was crowded with people pushing and shoving. However, the approach now is unbelievably deserted. There is hardly anyone except for a few tourists around the shrine even in the daytime, and one would hardly meet anyone during the nighttime. But after all, the approach to Oyamazumi Shrine is the center of Omishima. The revival of the approach is necessary for Omishima to regain its hustle and bustle.
What can be done to make the approach lively again? This is something that we have considered in the past, and once again, we would like to tackle this problem with the assistance of Sogabe and Yoshioka Laboratory of Kanagawa University and Yanagisawa Laboratory of Kanto Gakuin University, and exhibit the different proposals under the title “Stories of the Approach-for-All on Omishima.”
There are two main proposal directions. The first is the maintenance of the area surrounding Miyaura Port. Miyaura Port was the entrance to the approach from the sea in the past. The view is good, and nearby, there is also the Imabari City Hall branch office and a library that is part of the Community Center. Proposals are made to further open up these areas, and making them places where people on the island would want to gather daily.
The second proposal is the renovation of a kominka (traditional folk house) on the approach. Suzuki House—once a medicine shop—is said to be one of the first houses built on the approach, and although its appearance is beautiful, it is also severely damaged. We would like to conduct surveys on the house and eventually turn it into a place where children can drop in and enjoy time after school. The approach will undoubtedly become brighter if it is crowded with children.
We would like to propose for the revitalization of the approach through other exhibits too, including an architectural model that allows anyone to freely display their thoughts on the approach, and short interview videos with people who live near the approach. With your opinions and ideas, let’s write the stories of the approach together.
Toyo Ito
協力|今治北高等学校大三島分校、大三島図書館、きつねのぼたん、旅館さわき、料理旅館 茶梅、参道夕涼み会にてインタビューにご協力いただいた皆様、他
プロジェクトメンバー|NPOこれからの建築を考える 伊東建築塾、神奈川大学 曽我部・吉岡研究室、関東学院大学 柳澤研究室
映像・写真|吉野かぁこ 写真|高橋マナミ
グラフィックデザイン|丸山智也 英訳|ジョイス・ラム
Director|Toyo Ito
Production|Ito Juku + Studio Sogabe and Yoshioka (School of Architecture, Kanagawa University) + Studio Yanagisawa (School of Architecture, Kanto-gakuin University)
Movie / Photography|Kaako Yoshino
Photography|Manami Takahashi
Graphic Design|Tomoya Maruyama
English Translation|Joyce Lam
Please refer to the attached file for further information.