Exhibition vol.5
© Kai Nakamura
Project Omishima 2015-Transforming into the most beautiful island in Japan
July 3, 2015 (Fri) – June 15, 2016 (Wed)
Omishima is located in the middle of the necklace of islands in the Inland Sea. With approximately 6200 people living on the island, it is the fifth largest island in the region. The warm climate makes it a perfect place to farm mandarins, and from winter through spring, you can enjoy a variety of species that dapple the landscape in infinite shades of orange. It is also known for its deep local history and Oyamazumi Shrine that houses Chinjugami (the God of Land), and hence Omishima is known to some as an “Island of Divinity.”
In 2011, Japan’s first architecture museum, Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture, Imabari (TIMA) opened on this sacred island. This summer, we curated a new exhibition “Project Omishima – Transforming into the most beautiful island in Japan” as a part of the museum’s exhibition series. The Omishima Project started in 2012 with Ito Juku (the Specified Nonprofit Corporation “Initiative for Tomorrow’s Opportunities in Architecture”), and joined later by Studio Sogabe and Yoshioka (Kanagawa University, school of architecture) and by Studio Sugiura Hisako (Showa Women’s College) in 2014. Together, we have developed places on this island for the local residents to gather. In addition to showcasing these developments of this project, we are introducing the island’s landscapes and people’s lives via photographic and video works. The island enjoys the blessings of the sun and the sea while building upon its historical engravings. To this day, Omishima continues to be embraced by the picturesque mountains and sea; the mandarins cultivated with the warm sea breeze and residents with lifestyles that are connected with nature. We invite you to come visit Omishima and to fully experience her hidden gems.
Since the Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture was opened in Imabari City in 2011, I have frequently visited Omishima. When the students of Ito Juku, which opened at the same time, visited the island, my heart was struck by the lively sight of them coming into contact with nature and the people living there, as they freely wandered through the island. Most of the people that visit the island for the first time really feel that there is a strange power in this place that fascinates them.
According to a survey carried out by the Cabinet Office last year about 40% of the residents of Tokyo would move to a provincial area if given the opportunity. Also just under 30% of the people want a residence in both the city and a rural area. This data positively indicates that the number of people that feel more attracted to living in a rural area in contact with nature than in an artificial environment such as Tokyo is increasing.
Today when riches of the heart are sought more than economic riches, we are approaching a time when we are looking towards rural areas, and considering a lifestyle that is open to nature. The idea about living on an island is not simply the idea of the lifestyle of the island people, but is the idea of what is to be our lifestyle in the future.
I have picked this wonderful location of Omishima to undertake with the help of many young people island development over a long period of time. What is needed now is to work together to create a new lifestyle through discussions with the local people.
Toyo Ito

Seto/ Zo No Hana Recreation Center
Miyaura/Omishima Minna-no-Ie (Omishima“House for Everyone”)
Munagata/Fune-no-Uchi(Boat House)
Restored rowing boat space proposal(Munagata Bar)
Oshima/Ishi-no-Café(Stone Café Design Project)
© Kai Nakamura
今治市、今治市教育委員会、NPOこれからの建築を考える 伊東建築塾
協力 伊東豊雄建築設計事務所、海sora&花結び、愛媛県立今治北高等学校大三島分校、大三島ふるさと憩の家、上浦町地域おこし協力隊、菅 昭十四、kiki’s苺ハウス、Jishac、株式会社しまど、NPOしまなみアイランド・スピリット、しまなみイノシシ活用隊、青陽建築設計工房、多田脩二構造設計事務所、旅館 茶梅、鍋島悠弥、NPO能島の里、花澤家族農園、べじべじ自然農園、三島電業社、吉川 努、移動カフェ ロコバス
伊東建築塾(荒武優希、粟野寿朗、イトウジュン、大崎雅洋、木戸正典、木平岳彦、木村真緒、小迫欣弘、小森陽子、鈴木ますみ、須永 杏、須永泰由、瀬戸洋樹、高橋千里、千野和博、辻 美和、中村鈴子、西山和臣、長谷川欣則、俵谷知英子、南 宣宏、吉田祐介、吉村隆之)、曽我部昌史+神奈川大学曽我部・吉岡研究室、杉浦久子+昭和女子大学杉浦久子研究室
Organizers :
Imabari City, Imabari City Board of Education,
NPO Initiative for Tomorrow’s Opportunities in architecture, Ito Juku
Supporters :
Asahi Shimbun Foundation
Cooperation: Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects, Umi Sora & Hanamusubi,
Ehime Prefectural Imabari City High School Omishima Campus,
Omishima Furusato Ikoi No Ie, Kamiura Town Local Cooperative, Akitoshi Kan,
Kiki’s Strawberry House, Jishac, K.K. Shimado, NPO Shimanami Island Spirit,
Shimanami Inoshishi Katsuyotai, Haruaki Architectural Design Studio,
Tada Shuji Structural Design Office, Ryokan Chabai, Yuya Nabeshima,
NPO Noshima No Sato, Hanazawa Family Farm, Natural Farm Vegi-Vegi,
Mishima Dengyosha, Tsutomu Yoshikawa, Mobile Café Locobus
Director :
Toyo Ito
Associate Directors :
Yohei Takano, Kikumi Furukawa, Hiroyuki Yoshioka
Project members :
Ito Juku (Yuki Aratake, Jiro Awano, Jun Ito, Masahiro Osaki,
Masanori Kido, Takehiko Kihira, Mao Kimura, Yoshihiro Kosako, Yoko Komori,
Masumi Suzuki, Kyo Sunaga,Yasuyoshi Sunaga, Hiroki Seto, Chisato Takahashi,
Kazuhiro Chino, Miwa Tsuji, Suzuko Nakamura, Kazuomi Nishiyama,
Yoshinori Hasegawa, Chieko Hyotani, Yosihihiro Minami, Yusuke Yoshida,
Takayuki Yoshimura),
Masashi Sogabe + Kanagawa University Sogabe/Yoshioka Laboratory,
Hisako Sugiura + Hisako Sugiura Laboratory, Showa Women’s University
Photography :
Yusuke Nishibe, Minami Takahashi, Munekusa Yamada
Filming :
Hideyuki Tanaka
Music :
Taro Ishida
Graphic design :
Tomoya Maruyama
Please refer to the attached file for further information.
Project Omishima 2015-Transforming into the most beautiful island in Japan